On November 10th, the forth Online Alumni Salon of the German-Chinese exchange of judges took place. Five judges from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany and nine judges from the Chinese provinces Hubei and Fujian participated.
At the beginning of the event, Mr. Zhou Jiahai, deputy head of the research department of the Supreme People’s Court welcomed all Chinese and German participants. From the German side, Mrs. Marianne Himmel, Head of Department 6 “Training and Further Education, International Affairs” of the Ministry of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate took over the greeting.
Moderated by Mr. Norbert Feige from GIZ, the participants had a lively exchange on the regulation, application and practice of juvenile criminal law in China and Germany. Aspects of education, punishment and sanctions, as well as civil liability in juvenile criminal law and enforcement were discussed. The participants identified similarities and differences, compared statistical data and the respective development of legal practice.